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Student launches designer bag business with support from La Salle’s Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Destyny Brooks, ’24, is studying criminal justice and business administration. Outside of the classroom, she’s a budding entrepreneur. 

What started as a passion for shopping has grown into a full-fledged business for Destyny Brooks, ’24. 

The criminal justice major and business administration minor from southern New Jersey was in the midst of a serious shopping addiction when she knew something needed to change. Instead of purchasing others’ designer bags, she decided to create her own. 

Inspired by the other entrepreneurs in her family, Brooks launched La Folie, a designer bag company currently offering two purses aimed at consumers looking for something stylish to carry to work and school.  

Brooks handled every step of the business process including custom designing the bags, sourcing a manufacturing partner, and creating social media and e-commerce sites. To date, she’s sold over 15 bags which has helped fund a resupply of inventory.  

“It feels so good,” she said of La Folie’s success. “That’s my product that people are wearing and people like.” 

Alongside La Folie, Brooks is part owner of a salon. If that is not enough, she is still a full-time student at La Salle. While balance is a weekly struggle, she said carving out days specifically for work or school helps keep her on track.  

The University has also been a large support and resource of La Folie. Working with the School of Business Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Career Center has helped guide Brooks in becoming an entrepreneur.  

Destyny Brooks, ’24, presents during a Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship lunch and learn event on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023, to teach her fellow students about becoming their own boss.  

Plus, her business administration studies alongside contract law studies in criminal justice have helped her apply classwork into real-world scenarios.  

“Having the knowledge has really helped,” she said.  

Brooks hosted a lunch and learn event on Thursday, Nov. 2, with the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship to teach her fellow students about becoming their own boss.  

“In many ways, Destyny is like our typical La Salle student: gritty, smart, dedicated, and committed to personal success,” Steve Melick, executive director of the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, said. “She has taken control of her own destiny by investing in herself and taking risks to advance her business idea with the support of our Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.  I commend her on her progress and see great things ahead for her.”   

Designs from La Folie.

Following graduation, Brooks plans to take time to study for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) to later attend law school. Now with her business background, she’s unsure if she’d like to focus on corporate or criminal law. But no matter what path she chooses, she plans to make a lasting impact.  

“I want to create a positive domino effect by helping people,” Brooks said.    

—Meg Ryan   

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