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La Salle graduates across all 3 schools reflect on their journeys 

A La Salle degree can take you anywhere.  

Just ask these three Explorers who walked across the Commencement stage on Saturday, May 13. 

We spoke to them about their journey at 20th and Olney and what’s to come.   

School of Nursing and Health Sciences  

Gianna Turino, ’23

Major: Nursing with a public health minor 

Hometown: Philadelphia

Involved in: Maguire Foundation College Scholar, Columbus Citizens Foundation College Scholar, Dr. O’Hara College Scholar, Catholic Philopatrian Society Foundation Scholar, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Pinky Swear PACK, Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania, and former Habitat for Humanity volunteer 

Why did you choose La Salle?  

I chose La Salle because of the welcoming home away from home feeling and the small classroom sizes. Nursing is not an easy major, and I wanted to be able to put my academics first while making sure that my professors know me when I am looking for help, mentoring, etc. I love all the extracurricular activities that La Salle has to offer and there is never a day that I would go bored here because something is always being offered when I am not studying. This decision was truly very easy to make when choosing my college four years ago and I hope to come back to pursue my master’s degree.  

What has been your favorite memory?  

My favorite memory of all four years has been the first week of college as a freshman. Explorientation is something that other schools do not get to experience, and it further instilled that I made an amazing choice. Going to college a week early to partake in this made it so easy to make friends, explore campus and the city, and find extracurricular activities that I want to join.  

What does it mean to you to be an Explorer?  

To be an explorer to me means to never give up on your passion and if you work your hardest, you can find what you are looking for and be successful. La Salle helps all dreams come true.  

What about your program prepared you for your next step?  

The nursing program allowed me to find multiple internships and jobs that aligned with my nursing career after graduation. From the countless one-on-one meetings, recommendations, and amazing clinical rotations in big Philadelphia hospitals, I was set up for success. 

What are your next steps after graduation?  

After graduation, I will be staying in Philadelphia to study for my NCLEX exam. After passing, I will begin working a St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children as a registered nurse in their Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. 

School of Business  

Brett Conley, ’23   

Major: Finance and Business System and Analytics  

Hometown: Media, Pa.

Involved in: Boys & Girls Club Service Coordinator, AIDS Outreach Service Coordinator, La Salle Business Scholars Co-op program, and La Salle Community Service Scholar   

Why did you choose La Salle?  

I chose La Salle based on a few factors, the first being I knew I wanted to go to a university in the city of Philadelphia. La Salle also offers exceptional academics with the ability for the students to have a relationship with professors, which was important to me. Finally, La Salle’s status as a nationally ranked university for high job placement rates after graduation and having a family connection made coming here the right fit for me.  

What has been your favorite memory?  

My favorite memories over the past four years here at La Salle are the times I spent volunteering with the different service organization I helped run and volunteered with. When I wasn’t in class or spending time with friends, I spent most of my time with La Salle service partners such as The Boys & Girls Club of Philadelphia, Aids Outreach, Philadelphia Special Olympics, and Pheed Philadelphia. The friends I met and the relationships I built over the years will stick with me and will always remind me of my time here at La Salle.  

What does it mean to you to be an Explorer?  

To me, being an explorer means to value the pursuit and exploration of knowledge and faith.   

What about your program prepared you for your next step?  

My programs along with Business Scholars allowed me the opportunity to excel in the courses I took and the internship opportunities I had where I applied what I learned in the classroom to real life business scenarios.   

What are your next steps after graduation? 

After graduation, I will be working for Johnson & Johnson MedTech as a financial analyst in their Financial Leadership Development Program (FLDP) in Bridgewater, New Jersey.  

School of Arts and Sciences  

Aiden Davis-Diaz, ’23

Major: Communications 

Hometown: Philadelphia

Involved in: La Salle TV 

Why did you choose La Salle?  

I chose La Salle to play baseball and I stayed at La Salle because of an internship I got with the Philadelphia Eagles.  

What has been your favorite memory?  

Being able to go to Super Bowl LVII through my internship with the Philadelphia Eagles.  

What does it mean to you to be an Explorer? 

You’re never lost, you will always find your way.  

What about your program prepared you for your next step?  

I know how to communicate effectively and in different settings. Also, understanding how to edit video and how to shoot video are important skills.  

What are your next steps after graduation?  

I’m working with the Philadelphia Eagles in the video department. 

 —Meg Ryan  

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