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UTP x DLSU Familiarization Programme 2024: A Journey Beyond Borders

Stepping out of the familiar warmth of home and into the ever-lively Ninoy Aquino International Airport, we all felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. It was D-day of the UTP x DLSU Familiarization Programme 2024. As a group of eager CCS students from De La Salle University Manila (DLSU), we were on our way to Malaysia’s Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), ready to build new friendships, explore unfamiliar grounds, and immerse ourselves in a week-long academic and cultural exchange that promised to be nothing short of transformative.

The warm smiles and welcoming gestures from our UTP buddies swept away any lingering doubts. The UTP students who met us at the airport were more than just guides; they were companions turned friends, and our window into Malaysia’s cultural diversity. The atmosphere was captivating as we boarded the bus for UTP. Conversations flowed, laughter echoed through the spaces, and curiosity for what lay ahead infused the air.

As we settled into our first day, that evening, we explored nearby restaurants and visited the Chancellor’s Complex, where we were greeted with a breathtaking view of UTP’s famous library, the IRC, illuminated against the night sky. Peeking through the windows, we saw two F1 racing cars with the word PETRONAS scrawled across the chassis in bold, a distinct reminder of the Petronas’, and by extension, UTP’s prominence in the realm of cutting-edge industry and technology. Walking down the complex’s plaza, flanked by the Chancellor Hall on the left and IRC on the right, was truly surreal and was the perfect, albeit unofficial, introduction to the university that we would call home for a week.

The next morning saw us back at the IRC for our official welcoming ceremony, courtesy of the Computer and Information Sciences Department Head and professors. Staff and students alike embraced us as part of their community, made us feel at home throughout our stay. They showered us with gifts and local snacks, including the delightful Teh Tarik, a drink similar to milk tea but not too sweet, soothing whether served hot or cold. The campus, with its open areas and peaceful ambiance, provided a perfect backdrop for our adventures. That environment beautifully contrasted UTP’s high-tech laboratories and modern-looking classrooms to craft an atmosphere truly conducive to learning. Seeing a sign near their mosque saying “Welcome DLSU” made us feel especially appreciated.

The student in exchange student is student-ing, ‘kala ko kasi bakasyon 🙁” 
– Arwyn

“I love teh tarik!”
– Matthew, certified Teh Tarik enjoyer

The lectures and labs were a mix of things old and new. Some classes reinforced topics we had already studied, but many introduced us to new ideas, such as cloud computing and design thinking. UTP’s curriculum showcased cutting-edge technologies, and their labs and activities were highly immersive and interactive, often getting all of us (including our DLSU professors) involved. We collaborated with UTP students on their metaverse project, learned to create live and interactive data visualizations during the Microsoft Power BI workshop, experimented with AR/VR technology, learned to find our ikigai as many of their student-technopreneurs and startup owners had done, and even learned to play local instruments like the Gamelan. We got to witness the level of expertise demonstrated by the lecturers, the approachable and friendly personalities of the students whose classes we joined, and all in all were very impressed by the curated experience UTP had given us of their academic “day in the life.”

“Shoutout Shannyne, our MVP!”
– Minette

Winner in our hearts and minds
– Shannyne 

After three more days of lectures and labs, we finally embarked on our long-awaited Ipoh Tour. This day took us to the tranquil province of Ipoh, a place where the simplicity of life and the warmth of its people left a lasting impression. But before all that, our first stop was the spiritual core of UTP: Masjid An-Nur, the Floating Mosque. Here, we were enlightened by their customs and prayers while also taking in the strikingly beautiful decor of the interior, from the tilework up to the dome. There was a palpable feeling of awe among us as we immersed ourselves in this different facet of Malaysian culture, and we appreciated UTP’s willingness to promote interfaith respect and dialogue. Following this, we journeyed to a vibrant mall, where we savored delicious local food, and visited the serene Kek Lok Tong Temple, where we dove into the beauty of the cave where it was located. A farewell dinner marked the end of our time in Ipoh, and as we boarded the bus back to UTP, the reality of our impending departure began to sink in. Yet, the bus ride was anything but silent, it was contemplative, as each of us grappled with the bittersweet emotions of leaving behind a place that had become a second home. We cherished every last moment, filling the air with laughter and stories, unwilling to let go of the connections we had made.

We even went to Doc Nini’s house and saw Angel the cat, Angel is so cute” 
– Enzo

Having spent six days at UTP, we prepared to return to Manila. However, before we could start our journey back, we decided to spend the day visiting Kuala Lumpur, the city that is home to the iconic Petronas Towers. We went shopping for memorable Malaysian snacks, clothes, and accessories; but most importantly, hoarded packs of Teh Tarik. The view from the top was mesmerizing, offering a spectacular panorama of the bustling city below. A stark contrast to the calm life found in Ipoh.

Got scared sa taas ng Petronas Towers
– Gilo

On the last day, we bid our goodbyes to our UTP buddies who’ve grown accustomed to us throughout our stay. The final bus ride to the airport was silent, a contrast to our first ride. But this week’s delight had left us drained, as had the emotional weight of parting ways. Nonetheless, as we boarded the plane back to the Philippines,  we brought with us a wealth of memories: the bus rides, the lectures, the never-ending research topics, the long walks, the Teh Tarik, the daily Starbucks stops, the buddies, the dinosaurs in campus, and much, much, more.

“Selamat Tinggal.”

#UTPinMe, a heartfelt thank you for an experience that changed our lives in ways we never imagined in just a week-long span. As our plane flew out of Malaysia, we knew that this was not the end, but only the beginning. The friendships we forged, the lessons we learned, and the memories we made would stay with us forever, a testament to the power of cultural exchange and the bonds that unite us all. 

Terima kasih, UTP! Sehingga berjumpa lagi! ‘Til we meet again!

Article by Gaby Arco, Enzo Panugayan, Matthew Ong, and Arwyn Telosa.

The post UTP x DLSU Familiarization Programme 2024: A Journey Beyond Borders appeared first on De La Salle University.

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