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DLSU remains as a leading sustainable HEI in the world

De La Salle University remains as a leading university in the world in pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings.

DLSU retains its standing this year, placing in the 401-600 bracket. This is the sixth consecutive year that the University has been ranked.

In the 2024 edition,  La Salle is ranked in four SDGs: Clean Water and Sanitation (101-200), Responsible Consumption and Production (201-300), Life Below Water (201-300), and Partnership for the Goals (401-600).

In pursuit of Clean Water and Sanitation or SDG 6, DLSU measures its monthly water consumption per facility on campus to track the volume used and spillage. It has water fountains   at various locations on campus to provide clean potable water.

The University also conducts programs and various activities to increase the academic community’s awareness of the different issues affecting clean water. Moreover, the University and the local water concessionaire have interconnected their wastewater facilities in compliance with the Laguna Lake Development Authority.

For SDG 12 or Responsible Consumption and Production, DLSU conducted a Waste Analysis and Categorization Study, a baseline research to determine the approximate volume and types of waste being produced on campus on a daily basis. The results served as a technical basis to establish waste management processes as well as partnerships with external institutions.

The University also implemented an Ecological Solid Waste Guidelines for handling waste materials generated by the University. Hazardous waste generated on campus was managed via a partnership with UDENNA, a third party hazardous waste hauler and treater recognized by the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

DLSU was also able to publish its second Sustainability Report covering 2019 to 2021.

In addressing Life Below Water or SDG 14, the Brother Alfred Shields FSC Ocean Research Center (SHORE) continues to conduct various marine studies. Among these is the Capacity Building on Reef Assessment and Coral Taxonomy (CBRACT) Phase 2, a two-year project funded by DOST-PCAARRD. Headed by University Fellow and eminent Marine Biologist Dr. Wilfredo Licuanan, the project aims to refine the Alwan Citizen Science Methods for reef assessment. The project also includes the development of relevant training modules and materials for the faculty of regional higher education institutions and their community partners.

For SDG 17 or Partnership for the Goals, DLSU has fostered international partnerships with public and private institutions through academic exchanges, collaborative research, and social engagement programs.

In April 2024, DLSU joined the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Asia Managers Workshop aimed at advancing regional collaborations and building partnerships that promote SDGs.

According to University Sustainability Office Executive Director Antonio Carlos Maralit, “The Impact Rankings help us measure our achievements and identify what other areas we can work on. As the University pursues the path of sustainability, we shall continue to develop programs and initiatives that localize the SDGs to contribute to the efforts of the global community.”

The THE Impact Rankings analyze universities across research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching. The 2024 Impact Rankings assessed 1,963 universities from across the globe.



For more information, visit: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings

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