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A new ministry for Br. Ernest Miller, FSC

To the University community:

Our history—both as a singular institution in the United States and as part of the global Lasallian network—is anchored by a foundational commitment to high-impact teaching and learning. This is a commitment Saint John Baptist de La Salle made to the world over 340 years ago.

Today, in reaffirming and strengthening this historic commitment, the Lasallian District of Eastern North America (DENA) announced the launch of the Adrien Nyel Project. The aim, in the words of DENA’s Brother Visitor and La Salle Trustee Robert Schaefer, FSC, ’89, is “igniting the zeal for teaching.” This new ministry will engage young adults, encouraging them to explore the vocation of teaching and the Lasallian charism.

I am happy to share that Br. Robert has appointed Brother Ernest J. Miller, FSC, D. Min., M.A. ’95, La Salle’s Vice President of Mission, Diversity, and Inclusion, as the founding director of the Adrien Nyel Project. Br. Ernest will remain at La Salle and as a member of our Executive Cabinet through mid-July.

Since joining La Salle in August 2015, Br. Ernest has spearheaded numerous university-wide initiatives. This list is far from exhaustive, but they include:

  • developing Mission and Heritage Month to signify that the whole campus community gives life to the university’s mission and core values;
  • creating the Campos-Ricci Mission Seminars and the Brother Alfred Kelly, FSC, Catholic social teaching cohort (facilitated in collaboration with the De La Salle Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning);
  • coordinating the university task force that revised our mission statement and created a new core values statement; and
  • co-chairing the university’s Joint Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

In his nearly seven years in leadership at La Salle, Br. Ernest has consistently demonstrated his devotion to everyday causes and passions of our students, staff, and faculty. I am grateful to Br. Ernest for his steadfast commitment to our university and our enduring mission.

I will work closely with President-elect Daniel Allen and in consultation with DENA’s Brother Visitor Br. Robert on next steps, as we work toward filling Br. Ernest’s position.

Additionally, the search to identify and hire an Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is making progress. Br. Ernest will continue to assist us with this important hire and we anticipate introducing this new member of our community before the end of the academic year.

Br. Ernest tells me often that he is “a teacher first.” He brings passion and zeal to all that he does. While we will miss him at La Salle, he is well equipped for this new ministry. On behalf of our broader La Salle community, please join me in congratulating Br. Ernest and wishing him well in his new role launching the Adrien Nyel Project.


Tim O’Shaughnessy, ’85
Interim President

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