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DLSU Law places 12th in the International Moot Court Competition

DLSU Law places 12th in the International Moot Court Competition held in Germany


A team of four students from the De La Salle University Tañada-Diokno School of Law (DLSU-TDSOL) recently brought home a 12th-place finish in an international moot court competition held in Germany, besting more than a hundred other teams from law schools around the world.

The Nuremberg Moot Court competition simulates a case heard before the International Criminal Court, an international tribunal created by the Rome Statute to hold individuals accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The oral rounds of the moot were held at the birthplace of International Criminal Law: Courtroom 600 of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, the very courtroom where the 1945 Nuremberg trials were held after the end of World War II. The moot was participated in by more than a hundred teams from universities worldwide when the competition began its written phase in January 2023. Only 32 teams with top scores advanced from the written memorials are invited to compete in the oral rounds in Nuremberg, Germany from 19 – 22 July 2023. DLSU Law was one of the top 32 teams that qualified for the oral competition in Germany.

The 2023 DLSU-TDSOL Team was composed of four senior law students: Shane Andrew Magnaye, Angelica Cecilia Dino, Cyril Matthew Josol, and Jena Therese Tiongson. The team was coached by Atty. Ryan Hartzell C. Balisacan, who teaches Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the law school, and former Associate Dean, Prof. Rebecca E. Khan, who teaches Public International Law.

The DLSU-TDSOL Team traveled to Nuremberg and competed in 3 intense days of oral hearings, with some of the matches presided over by actual judges of the International Criminal Court. From the top 32, the DLSU-TDSOL Team further advanced to the round of 16 after the qualifying matches and finished in 12th place.

Mooting is one of the most fun and educational experiences a student can have while in law school, and DLSU supports its students as they pursue global ambitions. Aside from the Nuremberg Moot Court, DLSU-TDSOL also regularly participates in other international moots.

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