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Financing the Future Innovation Challenge

DLSU’S teAm DebtfReePh WAS RecentLy SeLecteD AS one of the toP 5 finALiStS of PhiLDev foUnDAtion’S finAncing the fUtURe innovAtion chALLenge.

DebtFreePH is an offline mobile application that aims to aid Filipino individuals and businesses in managing and financing debts efficiently and effectively. It localizes UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty), 8 (Decent Employment), and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). The team was composed of Cielo Olavario (BS Applied Economics major in Financial Economics and BS Accountancy), Gerard Ching (BS Computer Engineering), and Romulo Llamera (BS Management of Financial Institutions). Financing the Future was a 3-week competition wherein university students and innovators were invited to produce sustainable enterprise solutions in response to operational gaps (formed into problem statements) shared by partner companies/organizations. The challenge’s goal was to discover and develop people-centered innovative ideas that could make financial resources inclusive and accessible to everyone. The announcement of the winners was made last December 13.

The post Financing the Future Innovation Challenge appeared first on De La Salle University.

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